Clinical Hypnotherapist And Psychosexual Disorder Specialist

Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction

Are you or your partner suffering from Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction (PIED)?

Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction is the result of spending time watching pornographic videos and masturbating. This combination provides an intense dopamine experience that cannot be matched by real world people, no matter how attractive.Such stimulation is unlikely to be matched in the real world, arousal becomes more difficult by real world experiences.

These are some of the experiences that someone with Porn effected sexual response may experience:

  • Inability to achieve as good an erection with a partner as with pornography,
  • Disinterest in real sexual activity,
  • A preference to masturbate to pornography over experiencing intimacy with a partner,
  • Anxiety about keeping an erection during sex and/or difficultly in achieving orgasm,
  • Taking a long time to ejaculate,
  • Finding imagery arousing, but not real people or sex in real life.

Hypnotherapy can offer an excellent means to overcome anxiety and stimulate natural sexual desire and arousal, by helping to restore a more helpful neurological network and behavioural pattern. This often assists in restoring confidence to lead a normal healthy sex life.

If you have ruled out a medical reason as a cause, Book 20 Mins Free of Charge Discovery Call.


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