Clinical Hypnotherapist And Psychosexual Disorder Specialist

Get To Know Me

My Story

My interest in Mental Health is rooted from my experience in 2005, which was the lowest point in my life. 1 session of hypnosis opened the doors to self trust, confidence and infinite living. I could connect the dots from my sub conscious mind that kept me stuck from moving forward in life. I was astounded to find out how strong and powerful its effect was. I programmed myself to live and love fully in the present. And that was the beginning. I studied hypnotherapy from Hypnotherapy school of India and have been practicing since 8 years. While studying and applying various mind-body techniques that initiates the body's own creative energies, which lay dormant in the subconscious mind, I found I could Empower people to overcome their sexual and emotional issues related to mind. This forms the basis of much of my work through the creative power of hypnosis.

My aim is to help my patients gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their emotions and equip them with the tools and strategies they need to live happier, healthier lives.

I offer a variety of Hypnotherapy services that are tailored to meet the unique needs and requirements of each of my client. Whether you're struggling with Psychosexual disorders, fears and phobias, depression, anxiety and stress, insomnia and sleeping disorders, emotional issues, post-traumatic stress disorder, focus and concentration, past life regression, childhood issues, or are looking to quit smoking, Everyone can be benefited with hypnosis.

Deepshikha Goyal

Deepshikha Goyal

Common Issues

Common issues Hypnosis can help with

  • ADD or ADHD
  • Addictions
  • Age regression
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Allergic skin reactions
  • Anger
  • Anxiety – spiders, dental, fear of heights, travel, public speaking sexual assault
  • Binge eating
  • Blood pressure – lowering
  • Cancer
  • Chemotherapy related distress
  • Children – anxiety, medical procedures,
  • Chronic pain
  • Compulsive behaviours
  • Coping strategies for depression and pain
  • Insomnia/sleep disturbance
  • IBS
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Pain management: acute & chronic
  • Past Life Regression
  • Performance enhancement
  • Phobias
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Regression
  • Sexual abuse
  • Skin disorders
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Smoking cessation
  • Stress
  • Weight Management
  • Depression
Clients Says

What Clients Says?

Anxiety and Control Issues

I cannot recommend Deepshikha enough! I reached a moment in my life where I became so overwhelmed with emotions when I couldn’t control my surroundings and every moment of my life. I reached out to Deepshikha and we dove right in. By our first two sessions there was a massive shift in my mindset. My quality of life has drastically improved, and I no longer sweat the small stuff. Thank you, Deepshikha!


I cannot recommend Deepshikha enough. She helped me through anxiety and panic attacks which I had been experiencing for about a year. My disturbing sexual life was the reason of my anxiety. After one session with her, it felt like magic. The hypnotherapy lead me to barely remember the panic attacks that I have had and my anxiety seriously lifted. An amazing experience and a huge difference from a few days earlier when I didn’t know what to do or how I would ever stop them. Deepshikha is VERY good at what she does and I am so grateful for all her help and understanding.


I realised I had an anger problem, something I had known for a long time but never known how to deal with Anger. I have always thought you can sort these things out yourself, a man should be strong enough to deal with these problems, should not need to ask for help. I asked Deepshikha to help me and I can only say that she has changed my life and would recommend anyone to try this therapy because you will be amazed at the effect it can have on things you thought you could never change.

Self confidence

As a result I am getting the recognition I know I deserve at work and feel so much happier with my ability to juggle work and family life in a positive way. The thing I love about Deepshikha is that she is so approachable and easy to talk to. The sessions have helped me to balance work life and professional life. More than every thing else I was able to make achievable goals and steps to achieve them.

Fear of Maths Subject

Maths was my most weak subject and I used to avoid it for as long as I could. I just went with the flow without actually focusing on it. I decided to get more marks in my board exams for other subjects to cover up for math. It turns out I got one of my highest marks in math. Deepshikha has a big hand in it as when my confidence in it was really low, I did a hypnotherapy session not only for math but also for overall exams as well. I went deep and I was able to remove the blockages I had created. The sessions really helped me and I was very chill and calm during my paper and even before. This was the first maths paper in 3 years that I gave without having anxiety and tension about. Even though I was scared a little, I would only think positive and the outcome did turn out to be that! I can't thank Deepshikha enough for introducing me to a whole new mindset and to help me achieve my goals.

Relationship Issue

Thank you very much Deepshikha for showing lot of empathy and make me feel very comfortable in the first call itself. I felt very good, open and confident post my session with you. I am typical cancerian and not very open. But I really felt you are listening and asking the right questions that made me feel comfortable discussing.

Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction

I am Sameer, a 27 year old male from Gurgaon who had a lot of issues related to porn addiction, self conflicts, compulsions and fetish addictions. I even used to diagnose myself as somebody with PIED (Porn Induced Erectile dysfunction) which I used to experience a lot of times. I am now writing this after 2 months of consultation (which included about 4-5 counselling sessions and 2 Hypnotherapy sessions) with Deepshikha and I now stand with a lot of positives around my issues- I definitely have all around more energy, more libido, I am more in control of your thoughts and I have had no indulgence in the specific habits/ thoughts I wanted to get rid off. Positivity in life, clarity of thoughts in terms of comprehending ourselves, and the understanding of inter-connectivity of our past experiences, our behavior and our problems are a few more aspects which I got introduced and improved upon while talking to her about the central issue. Few things that I am most grateful for and which I think sets her counseling and hypnotherapy sessions apart: -Primarily the efforts she takes in understanding the what, why and how of issue without prejudice. -Simple, practical step by step approach/ guidelines in each sessions before next session -Her way of relating seemingly unrelated problems we have in life together and giving out solutions impacting root of the problem. -Extremely effective hypnotherapy sessions, even the first session (which had to be virtually done due to the pandemic) was very profound. -the ease she puts you in for people trying first hypnotherapy sessions. -brilliance in understanding of subconscious mind and effective explanations of seemingly abstract concepts. -in general positivity one is left with after a conversation about issues/sessions with her. I would not hesitate to say that by far (after consulting numerous sexologists and psychiatrists over last 5 years) she is the one who understood my problem with most unbiased, structured, patient, and most importantly genuinely caring sort of approach. For a problem which is mostly mental and where the fight is with yourself, I think this kind of supporting attitude from somebody professional like her itself works wonders and I can't thank her enough by any means for the same.


Hi mam! first of all I would say that you are very gentle, polite and patient while dealing with me. I felt very nice and light after talking with you. I want to say you a heartiest thanks for treating my PCOD. After taking up your treatment my premenstrual cramps have reduced much and I have no problem of PCOD now. Thanks for that mam and best wishes.

Professional Growth/ Cervical Pain/ Acidity

I would like to thanks Deepshikha for treating my health issues, professional and personal issues with help of counseling sessions and hypnotherapy. In todays world everyone has some problems going on within themselves and most of us are not able to solve it. Therefore we end up either getting frustrated/tensed which impacts our health, personal life and professional life or we learn to live with the same and try to change our paths. I know Deepshikha from a very long time and we used to have random discussions about my life, however 4 months back I thought of connecting with her to discuss about my professional life. Honestly in todays world wherein no one has time to listen to your problems, she is someone who is a patient listener and you can talk anything infront of her. By having conversations I got to know that, all my problems were related to my thought process and affirmations I make everyday as they play an important role in your life by affecting your actions and results. And while having conversations with her I was able to connect the same with the shortcomings I had in my life. She also helped me in Identifying the areas where I had to improvise life effective communications and the right set pf affirmations which had a positive impact on my personal and professional life. Now I can definitely say that I am confident in whatever I do and am able to take decisions effectively. HEALTH ISSUES- Earlier I used to take medicines for acidity and cervical issues for almost 3 times a week or may be more than that, but honestly after using essential oils prepared by Deepshikha, its been more than 3 months and its a big relief for me as I got rid off all the medicines which I used to take for cervical pain and acidity. Thanks a lot as the wonderful and fruitfull conversations, counseling sessions and oils have transformed my life.

Fear of Exams- CAT Exam

My experience with Deepshikha has been amazing. You made me believe in myself again and help me in gaining my lost confidence. More than a good therapist, I value that fact that you are a good listener. Your inspirational words give the strength to fight from within. You fill me with the zest and positive attitude. Thank you for the wonderful experience.


I want to say a heartiest thanks to Deepshikha for taking up Hypnotherapy for me. It has been proved very beneficial. I have sleeping disorder but now it is being improved after taking hypnotherapy sessions. My mind is more relaxed now and my other relations has also improved. All thanks to you. You are seriously very generous, polite and patient while listening to the problems and give a very logical solutions to the problems. Thank you so much.

Erectile Dysfunction

I need to acknowledge and thank Deepshikha for her sensitivity competence in handling my situation. At the outset she infused a spirit of positivity within me due to sheer conseling and her subsequent line of treatment was an addendum to achieve the objective of a cure. The suggestions given to me were very comforting mentally. Also her constant words of encouragement are an inherent prescription while consulting her. I am grateful to her for her kind suppoet and continue to look forward for her support even when I am well.

Emotional Issues and PCOS

I was suffering from PCOS from a long time and rarely did I have a regular periods. They were always after minimum 2 months and sometimes extendind to even 4 months. We didn't plan for a baby till around 1.5 years of our marriage. But when we actually started planning, I couldn't conceive. I tried both allopathic and Ayurveda medication but nothing resulted positively. Then after 4 years of my marriage I got in touch with Deepshikha. The Aroma oils and counseling sessions worked magically on me. The morning oils and affirmations made me more active and removed lethargy completely from me and the night oils were super relaxing and made me sexually more active. I applied them for almost 2 months and never had I ever thought this fast recovery. Hypnotherapy sessions made me clear away those buried thoughts that I never even imagined might be subconsciously stressing me. My dad died when I was 16 and somewhere that 16 years old in me has still not moved on. Frankly the sessions worked miraculously on me. I heartily thank you Deepshikha. No words can convey the gratitude I am feeling for you. Seeing those 2 lines on my pregnancy kit had become a dream for me and you made it possible.

Relationship Fear/ Please pleasing/ Low self Confidence/ Face Acne

In the spiraling chaos that is life, its important to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, everything we are looking for, lies within us and us alone. With some patience and the will for long lasting happiness, we may start looking within, but its not always easy alone, when we don't know what to look for. Deepshikha mam had genuinely been an essential part of my journey. She helped me gather the courage to heal from my past wounds forever and for good. She was there with me every step till I was ready for the solo ride. But before she came into my life, I had made a decision to heal from my past and start with a clean slate. And like life flows where we give it space, amazing influences rushed in to assure me that I made the right decision. One of these was Deepshikha mam. Healing our inner child, is the first step to transformation and to mature. And this is exactly what we did in our sessions. Deepshikha mam guided me into my subconscious mind, as I resolved my past traumas. Every thing is energy and as this simple law goes fresh life entered into my being as I cleaned up my space. I started to see life a little different. As vulnerable as my position was in front of mam, she was very welcoming and clearly experienced. I felt like I could trust her. Towards the end of our sessions (Hypnotherapy is really effective,it wasn't a long time) I wanted to continue a bit more, even though I knew we were essentially done. But mam did not let me, I myself don't think we should let ourselves get dependent on someone else, I was happy to get guidance from a person who understood that. She is really Genuine! Humans are in many ways just sophisticated monkeys. Most of our entire life is spend repeating the same habits and mistakes we did as a child. By healing ourselves, we can finally move on, and make new mistakes!! Live new problems. So thank you mam, I hope more people find you and learn what I learnt.

Quit smoking in 1 Session

I underwent hypnosis with Deepshikha to Quit Smoking on 12th March, I day before my 50th birthday. So I was fairly determined but so afraid that I would'nt do it on my own, so I opted for hypnosis. Its still early days, but since then I have decided to quit drinking for now to give my self a chance (As smoking whilst drinking invariably went hand in hand for me). I have also made the decision to start jogging again, I just hadn't the inclination (or energy) whilst smoking. I have had no mad urges to smoke, though I do think about them but more so in a reasoning with myself kind of way, I definitely find something is stopping me this time hitting that f**k it button as I have done so many times in the past. I don't want to overthink the process, but so far so good, onwards and upwards. Going for a jog soon, great to be able to breathe again!!!

Spiritual Divorce and Inner Child Healing

I was going through a very confused phase in my life and that's when I reached out to Deepshikha. She has been very helpful and has helped me surface many thoughts and find many answers that were may be lying inside my subconscious mind. She has helped me dive deeper into my inner self and be more aware of my surroundings I think the biggest help that she has offered me is make me realize how everything lies inside us and how if we start focusing on our own energies the path ahead becomes a lot clearer. Also the therapy includes a session in which you deep dive into your subconscious and it is amazing on how your childhood and how your past traumas are still hidden inside your mind and come out in such shocking and unbelievable ways. I was amazed to see what I thought of myself and how when I close eyes and went deeper I realized that there are parts of me that I have kept under the wraps. Some how she unfolded many parts of me and I have come out a lot more aware and with a lot more clear intent.

Quit Smoking in 1 Session

Thank you Deepshikha for making me smoke free in just 1 session. I do not have cravings to smoke anymore!!

Quit Smoking in 1 Session

I am Dental surgeon and I was a chain smoker since 10 years. It was impossible for me to quit this bad habit. I tried various things but was upset by the end result. But after getting help from Deepshikha Ji it is going very good. Today is my 28th day after quitting this bad habit of Smoking. Thank you!!

Emotional Issues and Inner child Healing

Got to know about hypnotherapy and you from some doctor. Initially I was skeptical about doing hypnotherapy sessions. As I was unaware about the procedure and its benefits. I came to Deepshikha in a vulnerable state of mind. I thought I will take one session of counseling and everything will be fine. After 1st session I got to know about some deeper issues. I believe I have been dealing with my anger issues by suppressing my emotions rather than fixing them permanently. I feel blessed that I came to you and got awareness about some deeper issues. Deepshikha helped me to bring acceptance regarding my issues. It became possible only with her sessions that deeper childhood experiences (feeling unloved, body image issues, aggression, regrets) showed up t o my knowledge and the reasons behind these feelings. These issues were hindering my growth. Her Sessions helped me to handle the current situation in my married life. Learnings from the Hypnotherapy sessions: -Always try to speak positive things to yourself. -If you train your mind effectively you can bounce back from every setback or crisis. -Our mind is aware of every issue we just keep ignoring it deliberately. -If we don't deal wit or solve the past issue/trauma/experience, it keeps coming back. I am relaxed and peaceful,have more clarity in decisions, less irritated, I am more productive and I can let go of things easily without affecting my mental peace so often. And to my surprise after 1st session strain/pressure around neck and shoulder has vanished. And for that strain, I have been doing a few things before that to get rid off that. I am joyful and less worried. And yes I could'nt sleep well in the past few months but from the very 1st session, I could get sound sleep. My mind can positively take some rest. I am happier soul!

Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation

I was having Erectile Dysfunction issues. After some time i noticed that I was getting erections but whenever I tried to do intercourse/penetration, I was not able to do t. it tool me approximately 1.5-2 years to address the exact issue. And believe me, there are many misleading sources in the market. They force you to take their monthly packages for Erectile Dysfunction and will not prescribe any medicine, but they will provide on their own and that too unnamed. Some were forcing to have surgery without even any physical examination or any tests. Luckily I found the genuine person, Dr. Rohit Juneja and link through him. After discussing with him, we concluded that may be the issues are at the psychological level. Then he suggested consulting Deepshikha Goyal (Hypnotherapist/ Psychosexual Disorder specialist). After taking one ot two sessions, I got to know that my issue are related to my mental state/psychology. Then, after taking 4-5 sessions, I noticed major changes in my body, and my mindset changed significantly. #I was more sexually active than before. #I observed that Erectile Dysfunction was much more related to my mindset. #I was able to penetrate. #As I was dealing with so many insecurities due to which I was not able to do proper sex and faced premature ejaculation. After the sessions, things changed significantly.

Erectile Dysfunction

I had an hardcore erections after the sessions. It was good enough to insert. Thank You so much Deepshikha for the sessions!

Emotional Issues

Deepshikha is amazing! I had two sessions with her for my emotional hurt. She is experienced and knowledgeable. Her sessions helped me to get over anxiety from past experience. I would recommend her!!

Low Mood And Depression

Depression is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While traditional treatments such as medication and therapy can be effective, some individuals may seek alternative methods such as hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy uses guided relaxation, suggestion, and visualization to help individuals achieve a state of heightened awareness and suggestibility. It is believed that hypnotherapy can help individuals with depression by accessing their subconscious mind and identifying and addressing underlying issues that contribute to their condition. At practice, I specialize in using hypnotherapy to treat depression. I believe that depression is a complex condition that requires a personalized treatment plan. That's why I take the time to get to know my patients and tailor my hypnotherapy sessions to their specific needs.

Fear of Public Speaking

I'm writing to let you know that my public speaking event today was a great success! So much so that my friends amongst the cohort now think I'm some kind of liar who told them I was incapable or 'bad' at public speaking when it is not the case. It went so well that people I didn't know came and congratulated me on my performance after the event and some even said I was their preferred speaker. I'm absolutely shocked! I can't thank you enough for all you've done. It was without contest the best presentation I have ever given.

Divorce, anxiety, low self esteem

Before you were recommended to me I had tried all the conventional medical treatments for anxiety related to speaking in public, they took the edge off my symptoms but did not work at a core level. Knowing that my fears were irrational just made the anxiety worse. However, after our first session I was surprised (and delighted) to feel a more positive attitude within myself. By the end of our course of sessions not only were my anxiety and panic gone, but I was then not able to just cope but to do well in some extremely stressful situations, including speaking publicly.

Relationship Breakup

I recently had a couple of MAP sessions with Sara, and to say they both were an amazing experience would be an understatement. After each session I came away feeling much more content and joyful, the negative energy that I had attached to the problems I had come to the sessions with faded away and my perspective around them totally changed. I am not sure how it works but it works! ???? If you are considering having a MAP session I would highly recommend, you have so much to gain and so much that you can let go of as a result of these sessions.

Anxiety and Grief

I’ve recently completed some MAP sessions with Sara. It’s a technique I knew little about, but Sara guided me through it easily. I didn’t know what to expect from the sessions, but I found them really surprising (in a great way). After both sessions I felt considerably lighter, calm and much more positive. And a few weeks on, I’m finding the way I’d normally react to certain stressful situations just doesn’t exist anymore, it’s like I’ve been rewired! Simple, powerful and a great experience.

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